Should You Hire a Business Coach?

Should You Hire a Business Coach?

Feb 26, 2024

I lived and traveled around Europe when I was in my early 20s. I traveled in many ways, from guided bus tours with strict itineraries to do-it-yourself touring with no itinerary at all. Each kind of traveling has its pros and cons.

However, I found that I preferred talking to someone who had traveled to my destination and recommended places to visit, things to do, and places to stay. Someone who had traveled the path I was on and could provide advice. Someone who coached me about what path to take to have the best adventure possible.

Eventually, I even became a tour guide and led adventure tours around Europe from spelunking the caves of Luxembourg, to snowboarding the Swiss Alps. Oh to be young again, but that’s another story for another podcast. I even eventually became an outdoor recreation coordinator and led tours around Europe.

Traveling reminds me a lot of a work-from-home journey. Wouldn’t it be great if you had a guide to share their wisdom about the road they have traveled and help you plan and execute your journey?

I am here to share my work-from-home experiences with you to help you navigate the journey and hopefully focus on your path and avoid getting lost along the way. I have been there. I have spent money on programs that didn’t pan out. I have gotten off the narrow way and ended up on a dead end and had to backtrack, wasting precious time and money. I sat down and gave up for a while until I met someone who put her hand out, helped me up off the ground, and pointed me back in the right direction.

The Christian Work-from-Home Mom Roadmap

Let's review the work-from-home roadmap for career success.

  1. Find your uniqueness
  2. Follow the straight and narrow path
  3. Foster financial freedom
  4. Focus on faith and family.

I share Biblically-based strategies for navigating the challenges and joys of balancing work and family life as well as practical advice about work-from-home opportunities. Let's explore the power of focus and the role of Christian coaching in guiding us toward purpose in our work-from-home businesses.

Here are 5 reasons that you may need a coach, as a Christian work from home mom. I am also going to share how hiring a coach helped me so much that I decided to become a coach myself because I wanted to help other women the way that my coach helped me.

What is Coaching?

Coaches guide clients from where they are toward a greater competence and fulfillment they desire. Christian coaching is the art of working with a person to move from where a client is to where God wants them to be.

Coaching helps people who want to get unstuck, build their confidence, find their calling, unlock their potential, move through a transition, take practical steps toward their goals, and provide accountability.

How does coaching differ from counseling?

  • Coaching is not for people who need therapy to overcome a painful past. Coaches help people build a vision and move towards the future.
  • Coaching is about looking ahead to the future.
  • Coaching is about growing.
  • Coaching is less about overcoming weaknesses and more about building skills and strengths.
  • Coaching focuses on possibilities and looks at where people want to go in the future.

There are so many ways that a coach can help you, but here are 5 ways coaches can help you and how my coach helped me.

Reason #1 You are stuck

What does being stuck look like for someone who is trying to build a work-from-home business?

  1. Overwhelmed - a feeling of too much work, tasks feel huge and procrastination is often the result.
  2. Exhausted - tired people lack energy and lose their vision, purpose, and enthusiasm. This is especially true at the beginning of your work-from-home journey. You feel like no one is listening and you are putting a lot of work in for little to no return.
  3. Directionless - not having a big vision or knowing your calling. Progress is limited because you don’t know which direction you are going.
  4. Hopeless - there is no sense of achievement. The motivation to keep working dries up and effort does not seem worthwhile.

Reason #2 You don’t know which direction to go next

I started working with a coach when I was at a low point in my work from home journey. I have talked about my journey in other articles, but basically, I had two unsuccessful online businesses, a homesteading blog and saving money on a food website and a Facebook group. I felt like I had put a lot of work into each of these endeavors, but I was seeing little growth and no income from either one. I was exhausted from trying to build them and I kept changing directions, therefore, I was directionless. I liked both of the topics, but I didn’t have the passion or the calling for either one.

By the time I started working with a coach, I was working on my Ditch the Grocery Store website. She supported this business, but she asked me a lot of questions and helped me realize that this was not what God had called me to do.

My coach helped me get unstuck by helping me realize I was headed in the wrong direction and needed to pivot to utilize my unique calling of helping other Christian Work from work-from-home moms.

A coach can help you get unstuck too. Good coaches ask good questions. A coach serves as your trusted guide, helping you navigate the complexities of entrepreneurship and discover the path that aligns with your unique gifts and calling.

Finding Direction

  • Expanding Your Vision:
  • A coach will challenge you to think bigger and dream beyond your current limitations. By asking thought-provoking questions and encouraging you to explore new possibilities, they help you expand your vision for what's possible in your work-from-home business.
  • Setting Goals:
  • Setting clear, actionable goals is essential for making progress in your business. A coach will work with you to identify your long-term objectives and break them down into manageable steps. With their guidance, you'll develop a roadmap for success and stay focused on the actions that will lead you closer to your goals.
  • Finding Your Calling:
  • Many work-from-home moms struggle to pinpoint their true calling or purpose in their entrepreneurial endeavors. A coach will help you uncover your passions, values, and unique strengths, guiding you toward a business that aligns with who you are at your core.
  • Discovering Your Uniqueness:
  • One of the most powerful aspects of coaching is its ability to help you recognize and leverage your unique gifts and talents. Your coach will assist you in identifying your skills, strengths, and passions, and then show you how to apply them effectively in your work-from-home business. Whether it's through refining your niche, developing your personal brand, or honing your expertise, you'll discover how to stand out and make a meaningful impact in your industry.

Ultimately, hiring a coach isn't just about finding someone to give you advice—it's about partnering with a trusted ally who is committed to your success. With their support, you'll gain the clarity, confidence, and direction you need to thrive as a Christian work-from-home mom and create a business that reflects your true calling and purpose.

Reason #3 Lack of Confidence

Women often struggle with self-doubt and imposter syndrome, which can hinder their ability to grow their businesses. A coach can provide the encouragement and guidance needed to build confidence and help women believe in their abilities as entrepreneurs. Not only that, coaches can help you see your blind spots about what is holding you back.

Self-Doubt and Imposter Syndrome:

Women, in particular, may battle with self-doubt and imposter syndrome, questioning their abilities and qualifications as entrepreneurs. These feelings of inadequacy can hinder their confidence and growth, leading to hesitation and reluctance to pursue their entrepreneurial aspirations fully.

Reason #4 You don’t have support or accountability

When you don’t have support from family and friends, building a business can be a very lonely place. It isn’t that your friends and family don’t love you. They just don’t understand what building an at-home business is like. They are focused on their own life and career. Working from home as an entrepreneur is very different. You need someone in your life who understands. That is where a coach comes in. She is familiar with the struggles of work-from-home businesses. She can walk alongside you and share her expertise.

  1. Accountability - This was huge for me. My coach kept me accountable to come up with goals and stick to them.
  2. Overcoming Obstacles and Challenges:

Reason #5 Overcoming Obstacles and Challenges

Christian Work from work-from-home moms' have a unique Journey. Moms face a distinct set of challenges as they navigate the delicate balance of entrepreneurship, family life, and faith. From managing household responsibilities to pursuing their entrepreneurial dreams, these moms often encounter hurdles that require a unique blend of resilience, adaptability, and problem-solving skills.

  • Balancing Priorities:
  • Work-from-home moms must juggle multiple responsibilities, from caring for children and managing household chores to running a business. This delicate balance can often feel overwhelming, leaving moms struggling to prioritize their time and energy effectively.
  • Navigating Faith and Business:
  • Integrating faith into business decisions and practices can present its own set of challenges. Work-from-home moms may grapple with questions of ethics, integrity, and aligning their business goals with their Christian values. This intersection of faith and entrepreneurship requires thoughtful navigation and spiritual discernment.
  • Overcoming Isolation:
  • Working from home can sometimes lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness, especially for moms who are used to the camaraderie of a traditional workplace. Without the daily interactions and support of colleagues, work-from-home moms may struggle to stay motivated and connected.
  • Limited Resources and Support:
  • Work-from-home moms often face resource constraints, whether it's financial limitations, time constraints, or access to professional support networks. Without the resources and support systems available to larger businesses, moms may find themselves navigating challenges with limited guidance and assistance.

In the face of these challenges, a business coach tailored to the unique needs of Christian work-from-home moms can provide invaluable support and guidance. By offering a safe space for reflection, encouragement, and practical strategies, a coach can help moms develop the resilience, adaptability, and problem-solving skills needed to overcome obstacles and achieve long-term success.

Through personalized coaching sessions, moms can gain clarity on their priorities, align their business goals with their faith values, and develop actionable plans to navigate challenges effectively. With the support of a coach, work-from-home moms can find renewed confidence, deepen their faith, and thrive in both their personal and professional lives.

Are you ready to take your work-from-home journey to the next level? Hiring a coach could be the transformative step you need to unlock your full potential and achieve your goals. Here's how you can get started:

Pray About It:

  • Before making any decisions, take time to seek guidance through prayer. Ask God to lead you in the direction that aligns with His plan for your life and your business. Trust in His wisdom to guide you to the right coach who will support you on your journey.

Book a Discovery Call:

  • Take the next step by booking a discovery call with a coach. This initial conversation is an opportunity to get to know each other, discuss your goals and challenges, and determine if you're a good fit to work together. Use this time to ask questions, share your concerns, and explore how coaching can benefit you.

You can book a discovery call with me here

Invest in Yourself:

  • If you find value in the content and guidance provided in this podcast, consider booking a discovery call with me. Together, we can explore how coaching can empower you to overcome obstacles, build confidence, and achieve long-term success as a Christian work-from-home mom. Let's embark on this journey of growth and transformation together.

Still Have Questions?

  • If you're not quite ready to book a discovery call, that's okay. You can still reach out to me with any questions or concerns you may have. Simply send me an email, and I'll be happy to provide you with more information and support. You can email me here:

Remember, investing in yourself is one of the most powerful decisions you can make. By hiring a coach, you're investing in your personal and professional growth, and taking proactive steps towards realizing your dreams. Don't let fear or uncertainty hold you back—embrace the opportunity to unlock your potential and thrive in both your work and your life.

As we wrap up today's episode, I encourage you to prayerfully consider the role of focus and faith in your work from home journey. Whether you're feeling overwhelmed by distractions or uncertain about your next steps, know that God has equipped you with everything you need to succeed. By seeking the support of a Christian coach and staying grounded in His word, you can find clarity, focus, and fulfillment in your work from home business. Until next time, may God bless you abundantly as you pursue His purposes with passion and purpose.