Past Failure Means Future Work from Home Success

Past Failure Means Future Work from Home Success

May 30, 2024

Are past failures making you doubt your potential to succeed as a work-from-home mom?

Do you feel like those past missteps are holding you back from achieving the balance and success you dream of?

Every time you think about starting something new, that nagging voice of doubt replays your past mistakes. "Remember when you tried that and it didn't work?" it whispers.

This constant reminder drains your confidence and keeps you stuck in a cycle of hesitation and fear. You're left feeling paralyzed, convinced that your past has already written the story of your future.

It's time to silence that voice and rewrite your thoughts!

Learn how to turn your past failures into stepping stones for future success. Discover practical strategies to leverage your unique skills, embrace your experiences, and build a thriving home-based business.

Your past doesn't define you; it prepares you. Join our community of resilient moms and start turning those setbacks into comebacks today!

Foolish choices, words that didn’t need to be said, words that were never said…broken relationships. Not pursuing a dream job or passion due to fear or practical concerns. Choosing a field of study that didn’t align with personal interests or career goals, but instead maybe pleased your parents.

Regret is an emotional response to past events or actions that a person wishes they could change or undo. It often involves feelings of sadness, disappointment, or guilt about something that didn't go as planned or about a decision that led to undesirable outcomes.

"Leave the broken, irreversible past in God’s hands, and step out into the invincible future with Him." - Oswald Chambers

There is one verse in the Bible that I call one of my life verses. You see, I have a lot of regret about my past life before I became a Christian. When I get into a rut and start dwelling on the past, regretting my past, I put off the stinking thinking of “my past will always negatively influence my future.” I remember 2 Corinthians 5:17:

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

Now, there are still consequences to poor decisions, but there is forgiveness in Christ. Let’s talk about it.

Last time, we explored how your past failures don’t prevent your current success—in fact, they bring you closer to it. Today, we’re diving deeper into the idea that your past doesn’t dictate your future.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that past mistakes, setbacks, or failed attempts have the power to shape your future negatively. But this belief is incredibly limiting. It assumes that what happened before has too much control over what happens next.

Maybe you’ve stumbled before and worry those missteps will keep you from achieving your dreams. Maybe past efforts didn’t pan out, leaving you skeptical about trying again. It’s easy to believe that your history will hinder your future.

If you have listened to past episodes, you know that I have had two other websites that didn’t earn me money. The first one was a homesteading blog that I enjoyed very much, but I never got to the point of offering any products or services. My second website was about saving money on food. I created a mini course that took me hours of recording and promoting, and not a single person bought it.

At this point, I was ready to give up, but I still had the desire to help women, specifically Christian stay-at-home moms. I decided to become a coach, launch this podcast, and help women find meaningful work-from-home opportunities while focusing on their faith and family. I offer one-on-one coaching, and listen until the end of this episode to hear about an exciting program that will launch in June.

I didn’t let the two past web business setbacks hold me back from trying again. In fact, I learned so much about online business through those failures that this third time is much easier. I encourage you not to let past efforts that didn’t work out hold you back from trying again.

That belief is holding you back. It is keeping you stuck. It convinces you that trying something new is pointless and that your past is a barrier to your true potential and success.

Let’s turn that limiting belief on its head and replace it with empowering truths:

Empowering Beliefs

Remember, putting off old thoughts and replacing them with new thoughts. There is a verse in the Bible that I keep meaning to share on these “put off, put on” episodes.

It is Philippians 4:8:

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

So let’s put off the old thought of: Limiting Belief: “My past will always keep me from creating a bright future.” Empowering Beliefs:

  • “My past can’t determine what I achieve in the future.”
  • “My past is one of my greatest assets.”
  • “Lessons from the past make me wiser.”
  • “I can avoid mistakes in the future by learning from the past.”
  • “I can adapt and change thanks to my past experiences.”

To rewrite this limiting belief, it’s crucial to understand that your past actions do not define your future. This doesn’t mean the past is irrelevant; rather, it means your future achievements are not bound by past outcomes.

Past failures don’t guarantee future ones. Struggles in the past don’t mean endless struggles ahead. Instead, think of your past as a rich resource. It has given you knowledge, skills, and experience. By learning from past mistakes, you can move forward more effectively and quickly.

Here’s How Your Past Can Positively Influence Your Future:

  • Identify areas where you feel your past might negatively impact your future.
  • Ask yourself, “How can these past experiences actually benefit me moving forward?”
  • Write down every advantage your past gives you.

Your past does not determine your future. In fact, it gives you great advantages. It shows that you can adapt and change in positive ways because of your past.
With your experience, along with staying in God’s word, especially the book of Proverbs, you are becoming wiser and you know that God holds many good things for you.

James 1:5 says: If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

And later in verse 17, James says: Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

Action Steps:

  • Reflect on past experiences and identify any areas you think might negatively influence your future.
  • Reframe these experiences as sources of strength and learning.
  • List all the ways your past has prepared you for future success.

Remember, you can achieve great things because you’re wiser and more skilled than ever before. Your past has taught you valuable lessons. Embrace these lessons and move confidently toward the bright future that awaits you.

In our next lesson, you’ll discover that you already possess everything you need to achieve your biggest dreams and goals! Stay tuned.

🌟 Free Lunch & Learn: Discover Your Money-Making Skills! 🌟

Hey Christian Work from Home Moms!

Are you ready to unlock your potential and identify skills that can earn you money from home? Join us for an inspiring and interactive Free Lunch & Learn session focused on Identifying Transferable Skills that Earn Money!

Date: Thursday, June 13th

Time: 11:00 a.m. central time

Location: Virtual (Zoom link will be provided upon registration)

What to Expect:

Identify Your Skills: Discover the valuable skills you already possess that can be leveraged in the work-from-home market.

How to Register:

  1. Click Here
  2. Fill out the registration form.
  3. Receive your Zoom link and lunch details.

Register Now and get ready to discover your hidden potential. We can't wait to see you there!