Remote Jobs: Tips for Landing Your First Work-from-Home Job

Remote Jobs: Tips for Landing Your First Work-from-Home Job

Aug 26, 2024

Feeling stuck in your remote job search? Get tips on finding work-from-home roles, keeping your faith strong, and trusting God’s plan. Turn frustration into determination with practical advice!

If you’re here, it’s because you’re searching for more—more time with your children, more flexibility in your schedule, and more opportunities to integrate your faith with your work. As a mom looking for remote job opportunities that allow you to be at home, where your heart truly is, you’ve come to the right place.

The Struggle is Real, But Don’t Lose Hope

Today, we’re diving into a topic that’s very close to my heart and, I know, to yours as well: how to navigate the remote job market and land your very first work-from-home job. It can be overwhelming, exhausting, and even downright discouraging. With job numbers showing weaker-than-expected performance, and the economy facing uncertainty, the search can feel like an uphill battle. But before you throw in the towel, I want to encourage you to take a deep breath and hang with me for just a few minutes. God sees your efforts and knows your needs. Philippians 4:19 reassures us: “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

You Are Not Alone in Your Journey

The current job market may be challenging, but you don’t have to navigate it alone. Whether you’re new to the idea of remote work or have been searching for a while with little success, I want to offer some practical tips that will help you find a job that not only pays the bills but also aligns with your values and allows you to be present for your family. Remember, you are not alone on this journey. God is with you, and He has a plan for you.

1. Get Clear About What You Are Looking For

Before diving into the sea of job postings, take a moment to get clear about what you’re really looking for. This clarity will help you stay focused and avoid the overwhelm that comes from applying to everything under the sun. Here are some questions to help guide you:

  • What are my top skills and talents? Identify the skills you excel in, whether they are in writing, customer service, administrative tasks, teaching, or any other area.
  • What type of work do I enjoy doing? Look for jobs that align with your interests and passions. When you enjoy what you do, it will feel less like a chore and more like a fulfilling part of your day.
  • What kind of job fits best with my family’s schedule? Flexibility is key for a work-from-home mom. Consider the hours you can realistically commit to work without sacrificing time with your family.
  • What kind of work aligns with my faith and values? Look for job opportunities that not only meet your professional goals but also align with your Christian values.

By answering these questions, you’ll gain a clearer picture of the type of job you should be targeting. This focused approach will make your search more efficient and less overwhelming.

2. Polish Your Resume and LinkedIn Profile

Once you’ve identified the type of job you’re looking for, it’s time to make sure your resume and LinkedIn profile are up to date and reflect your skills and experience. Highlight any past remote work experience, relevant skills such as time management, communication, and tech-savviness that make you a strong candidate for remote positions.

Don't Forget LinkedIn! If you haven’t already, create a LinkedIn profile. This platform is a powerful tool for job searching, networking, and learning about companies you’re interested in. Ensure your profile is professional, current, and clearly states that you are looking for remote work opportunities. Joining LinkedIn groups related to remote work can help you connect with other professionals and stay informed about job openings.

Connect with me on Linkedin!

3. Network with Other Christian Moms and Professionals

Networking can open doors you never knew existed. Reach out to friends, family, and acquaintances who might know of remote job opportunities. Join online communities and groups specifically for Christian work-from-home moms. These groups are invaluable for sharing advice, job leads, and offering support to one another. Building a network of like-minded moms can provide you with encouragement and guidance on your journey.
I’ve created a Facebook group just for Christian moms looking to work from home. It’s a space where we can encourage each other, share job opportunities, and offer support. I’ll include the link in the show notes, so be sure to check it out!

4. Know Where to Look for Remote Job Opportunities

There are several websites dedicated to listing remote job opportunities across a variety of industries. Here are some of my favorites:

  • FlexJobs: This subscription-based site screens every job listing to ensure legitimacy. It’s worth the investment if you’re serious about finding remote work.
  • This site offers a wide range of remote job listings, from customer service to tech positions, and also includes helpful advice for remote job seekers.
  • Indeed: Use the keyword “remote” in your job search to filter out non-remote jobs.
  • Company Websites: Check the career sections of companies directly. Many now have dedicated sections for remote job opportunities.

5. Trust in God’s Plan

Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Finding a job can be stressful, but remember that God is in control. He knows your needs, and He has a plan for you. When you feel discouraged, take a moment to pray and ask God for guidance. Trust that He will lead you to the right job at the right time.

Turning Frustration into Determination

Instead of letting frustration get the best of you, let it fuel your determination. Use the practical steps outlined above to refine your search, and remember that you’re not just looking for any job—you’re looking for a job that allows you to serve your family and honor God. This perspective will keep you motivated and focused on your ultimate goals.

A Call to Action

If you’re struggling or have any questions, please feel free to reach out. I’m here to help and encourage you on this journey. Book a free discovery call with me today! We’ll chat about your unique strengths, passions, and how you can create a meaningful work-from-home opportunity that fits your life. Click the link in the show notes to schedule your call—let’s start this journey together!


Remember, finding the right job takes time, but with persistence, clarity, and trust in God, you will find a role that fits your skills, your family, and your faith. Stay focused on your goals, keep seeking God’s guidance, and stay connected with supportive communities that will encourage you along the way.
Thank you so much for joining me today. I’m praying for you, and I’m here cheering you on. Until next time, keep seeking God’s guidance and stay focused on your faith and family. Happy job hunting!