What is Your Work from Home Personality?

What is Your Work from Home Personality?

Feb 17, 2024

Do you ever wondered why some people thrive while working from home, while you struggle to find the right opportunity?

Do you feel like your work-from-home experience could be more fulfilling if it aligned with your unique skills, strengths, passions, and personality?

Over the last 3 posts, we have talked about skills, strengths, and passions. Today we are going to talk about your work-from-home personality.

Are you ready for the next chapter of my work-from-home journey?

In Chapter 1' I told you about my Chinese Tutoring, Chapter 2 was about Cattle Upon a Hill Blog, and today I want to tell you about Ditch the Grocery Store. Ditch the Grocery Store was my second website. This website was based on a Facebook group that I started based on a local food overstock service. I grew the Facebook group to over 5,000 members.

Since I had the skills to build a website and write a blog. I thought that my audience would purchase digital products such as meal plans, cookbooks, and online self-sufficiency classes. I created digital products and an online course, but, unfortunately, they were not interested in those products. They were only interested in the original purpose of the group. It was fine because cooking is not one of my passions.

However, I do love to teach and I learned so much from building the website, and online course, and realized that I am a Digital Deborah, but I needed to pivot to a passion of mine to use my skills and strengths. You are probably wondering, who in the world is Digital Deborah? Take the Work from Home Personality Quiz to find out!

In episode 1 of the podcast, we talked about work from home skills that you already have from your motherhood journey.

In episode 2, we learned how to uncover your strengths.

In episode 3, we discussed tools to narrow down your passions to use in your work from home endeavors.

Today, we're delving into a fascinating topic – your unique work-from-home personality.

You are going to learn about the different personality types and what type of work-from-home opportunities are best for different personality types, the advantages and disadvantages of each work-from-home job type.

The Work-from-Home Personality Quiz

But before we dive in, have you ever wondered what kind of work-from-home personality you are? Well, I've got just the thing for you – the Work-from-Home Personality Quiz.

We're going to explore the different personalities revealed by the quiz and how understanding your personality can lead you to a more fulfilling work-from-home experience.

Let's start with the quiz itself. It's a set of carefully crafted questions that aim to uncover your preferences, strengths, and values in a work-from-home setting.

The 5 personality types are Remote Rebecca, Digital Deborah, Crafty Chloe, Service Sarah, and Freelance Felicity. You may be a combination of a few of these, but there will be one that dominates your personality.

Now, why is this quiz so valuable? Well, your work-from-home personality influences various aspects of your professional life. From the type of tasks, you enjoy to the work environment that brings out your best, knowing your personality can guide you towards opportunities that align with who you are.

Let’s talk about each personality

Remote Rebecca

If you are a Remote Rebecca, you are someone who has a natural talent for thriving in structured environments, excelling with clear tasks, and a preference for the stability of remote work with established companies.

Your personality traits include being disciplined, self-motivated, and organized.
Your Work Style: Thrives in a structured environment, and can manage time effectively without direct supervision.
Some examples of remote positions would be a project manager, software developer, or digital marketer.
Now let’s talk about the advantages and disadvantages of remote work.

The advantage of remote work with an established company is a

  • A steady income, benefits, and often provide job security and stability, which can be reassuring for remote workers.
  • Access to Resources: Remote employees may have access to the resources, tools, and technologies of an established company, enhancing their work capabilities.
  • Professional Development: Established companies typically offer opportunities for career growth and professional development, even for remote workers.
  • Team Collaboration: Remote employees can collaborate with diverse teams, fostering a sense of belonging and benefiting from collective expertise.

Disadvantages of Having a Remote Job with an Established Company:

  • Limited Flexibility: Some established companies may have rigid remote work policies, limiting flexibility in terms of working hours and locations.
  • Communication Challenges: Remote work can lead to communication challenges, especially if the company lacks effective virtual communication tools or practices.
  • Corporate Bureaucracy: Established companies may have bureaucratic structures that can slow down decision-making processes, impacting remote workers.
  • Limited Autonomy: Remote workers may experience a lack of autonomy, as established companies might have strict policies and procedures that impact their work independence.

Digital Deborah

The second type of work-from-home personality is Digital Deborah. A digital Deborah is a Digital Content Creator. Some personality traits would be someone Creative, adaptable, and tech-savvy.

Your Work Style: is someone who Enjoys expressing ideas visually or through content creation, and embraces new digital tools and platforms.
Some examples of digital content creator jobs are people who teach online courses, run membership sites, write blogs, and social media influencers.

Advantages of Being a Digital Content Creator:

  • Creative Expression: Digital content creators have the opportunity to express their creativity and ideas through various digital mediums, such as podcasts, videos, and written content.
  • Adaptability: The digital nature of the work allows content creators to adapt quickly to changing trends, technologies, and audience preferences.
  • Global Reach: Digital content can be shared globally, providing creators with the chance to reach a diverse and widespread audience.
  • Portfolio Building: Content creators can build a robust portfolio showcasing their work, which can be instrumental in attracting clients, collaborations, or job opportunities.
  • Monetization Opportunities: Digital content creators have various avenues for monetization, including ad revenue, sponsorships, affiliate marketing, and selling digital products.

Disadvantages of Being a Digital Content Creator:

  • Competitive Landscape: The field of digital content creation is highly competitive, requiring creators to constantly innovate and stand out in a crowded space.
  • Platform Dependency: Relying on digital platforms means content creators are subject to changes in algorithms, policies, and potential shifts in audience engagement.
  • Burnout Risk: The pressure to consistently produce engaging content can lead to burnout, especially if creators face tight deadlines or demanding schedules.
  • Income Variability: Income as a digital content creator can be variable, depending on factors like audience size, monetization methods, and market fluctuations.
  • Continuous Learning: Staying relevant in the digital landscape requires continuous learning about emerging trends, tools, and technologies, which can be time-consuming.

While being a digital content creator offers exciting opportunities for creativity and innovation, it also comes with challenges related to competition, platform dynamics, and the demand for ongoing learning and adaptation.

Creative Chloe

The third personality type is Creative Chloe. You are someone who creates and sells Sells Digital or Physical Projects:

The personality traits include: Creative, independent, and entrepreneurial.
Work Style: Values artistic freedom, comfortable with self-promotion, may or may not have a business-oriented mindset.
Some examples of work-from-home opportunities include Artists selling their handmade or digital art through an Etsy shop, Print-On-Demand Designer selling your artwork on various products like apparel, home decor, and accessories, Digital Illustrators for eBooks or Games, Graphic Design creating visually appealing content such as templates to sell.

Advantages of Being an Artist Selling Digital or Physical Products

  • Creative Freedom: Artists have the freedom to express their creativity without constraints, exploring various styles and themes in their work.
  • Entrepreneurial Independence: Artists can operate as independent entrepreneurs, managing their brand, marketing, and business strategy on their own terms.
  • Global Reach: Selling online allows artists to reach a global audience, expanding their market beyond local boundaries and connecting with diverse customers.
  • Diverse Revenue Streams: Artists can diversify income streams by selling a range of products, such as prints, digital downloads, merchandise, or commissioned artwork.
  • Direct Customer Interaction: Artists can engage directly with their audience, receiving feedback, building a community, and establishing personal connections with buyers.
  • Flexibility in Work Environment: Working from home provides artists with flexibility in their work environment, allowing them to create in a comfortable and personalized space.
  • Artistic Fulfillment:
  • Artists find fulfillment in seeing their creations appreciated, and shared, and in making a positive impact on the lives of those who resonate with their art.

Disadvantages of Being an Artist Selling Digital or Physical Products:

  • Income Variability: Income can be unpredictable, with fluctuations depending on market trends, seasons, or the popularity of specific artistic styles.
  • Business Management Challenges: Artists may face challenges in managing the business aspects, including marketing, finances, and logistics, which may divert time and energy from creating.
  • Market Saturation: Certain art markets may be saturated, making it competitive for artists to stand out and gain visibility among a sea of other creators.
  • Intellectual Property Concerns: Artists need to navigate intellectual property issues, ensuring their work is protected from unauthorized use or infringement.
  • Isolation: Working from home can lead to feelings of isolation, as artists may miss the collaborative and social aspects found in traditional art studio settings.
  • Self-Promotion Challenges: Artists must actively engage in self-promotion to build their brand, which can be challenging for those who prefer creating over marketing.
  • Production Time vs. Value: Balancing the time spent on creating high-quality artwork with the perceived value in the market can be a delicate challenge.
  • Customer Expectations: Meeting customer expectations regarding delivery times, quality, and customization can be demanding, requiring effective communication and management.

Despite the challenges, many artists find the advantages of independence, creative expression, and global reach to be compelling reasons to pursue a career in selling digital or physical products.

Freelance Felicity

The fourth work-from-home personality is Freelance Felicity. A freelancer is an independent professional who offers services or expertise in a specific field The Traits: Flexible, resourceful, communicative.
Your Work Style: Adapts to different tasks, comfortable working with various clients, strong communication and organizational skills.
Some work-from-home opportunities are
Writing and Content Creation:
Content writing
Technical writing
Graphic Design and Multimedia:
Graphic design
Logo design
Video editing
Programming and Web Development:
Web development
Mobile app development
Software development
Database management
IT support
Digital Marketing:
Social media management
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Email marketing
PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising
Content marketing
Virtual Assistance:
Administrative support
Data entry
Customer service
Appointment scheduling
Travel arrangements

Advantages of Freelancing:

  • Flexibility: Freelancers have the flexibility to set their own working hours and choose their projects. She can work from any location, providing a better work-life balance.
  • Variety of Projects: Exposure to diverse projects and industries, allowing for skill development and exploration.
  • Autonomy: Freelancers have control over their work, decision-making, and the clients they choose to work with.
  • Income Potential: Potential for higher income, especially with experience and expertise.
  • Portfolio Building: Opportunities to build a diverse portfolio showcasing skills and accomplishments.
  • Global Reach: Can work with clients globally, expanding the network and accessing a broader range of projects.
  • Learning Opportunities: Constant learning and adaptation to new technologies and industry trends.

Disadvantages of Freelancing:

  • Income Stability: Lack of a consistent paycheck, leading to financial instability during lean periods.
  • Self-Employment Challenges: Managing taxes, insurance, and other administrative tasks can be complex.
  • Client Dependence: Reliance on client relationships, with the potential for projects to end abruptly.
  • Workload Fluctuations: Irregular workloads, with busy periods followed by slow periods.
  • Isolation: Limited social interaction compared to traditional office settings, leading to potential feelings of isolation.
  • No Employee Benefits: Lack of traditional employment benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off.
  • Market Competition: High competition in the freelancing market, making it crucial to stand out.
  • Client Communication Challenges: Effective communication can be challenging, especially when working remotely.

Service Sarah

Finally, the fifth work-from-home personality is Service Sarah. This one is somewhat unique in that it can be close to home rather than at home. Personality traits include being Reliable, personable, and detail-oriented.

Work Style: Thrives on client interactions, pays attention to details in service delivery, values building relationships. give examples of these jobs
Some jobs include babysitting services, Cleaning and Organizing Consultant, Elderly Companion, pet sitter, lawn services
The advantages of a Service Sarah:

  • Flexible Hours: Potential for flexible working hours based on agreed-upon schedules.
  • Quick money
  • Hands-On Interaction: face-to-face human interaction, providing personal care and supervision.
  • Autonomous Business: Opportunity to start an independent cleaning service.
  • People will always need these services

The disadvantages of a Service Sarah:

  • Variable Income: Income may vary depending on the number of hours worked and the frequency of jobs.
  • Dependency on Clients: Reliance on clients for consistent work and referrals.
  • Weather Dependency: Work may be affected by adverse weather conditions.

These advantages and disadvantages provide insights into the diverse nature of service jobs, highlighting the potential rewards and challenges associated with each. The flexibility, personal interaction, and autonomy are key advantages, while income variability and physical demands may pose challenges.

Ok, that was a lot of information. I recommend you head over and take the quiz and see if you got the results you thought you would. Thank you for joining us on this journey of self-discovery. Your work-from-home persona awaits – are you ready to unlock its secrets? Until next time, stay inspired, stay focused, and keep pursuing your dreams!"