Scripture Writing Challenge for Busy Moms

Scripture Writing Challenge for Busy Moms

Feb 22, 2024

My oldest son will turn 17 next month. However, I still remember the days when I had 5 children under the age of 6 and how exhausting and lonely those days were. The funny thing is, I would give almost anything to go back to those days of precious babies and chubby toddlers.

However, I remember there was barely time to shower much less sit down and have devotions. I was sleep-deprived and getting up early was filled with feedings and diaper changes.

Now that my children are almost all teens, I can get up early by choice and spend much more time with the Lord first thing in the morning.

A friend of mine, introduced me to scripture writing a few years ago and I wish I had known about it back in those busy baby days. It is a quick way to connect with God even for the busiest moms. However, whether you are a mom of babies or grown children or anything in between, scripture writing is a devotional method that is for anyone who is short of time but wants to focus on their faith. Today we are going to talk about scripture writing and I have a free download to get you started. Let’s talk about it.

In today's fast-paced world, finding time for spiritual practices can often feel like an uphill battle, especially for busy moms juggling multiple responsibilities. However, amidst the chaos of daily life and the pursuit of career goals, nurturing our faith remains essential. In this article, we'll delve into the practice of scripture writing and its profound impact on maintaining a strong spiritual foundation, particularly for busy Christian moms like yourself.

Let's explore the who, what, when, where, why, and how of scripture writing to help you navigate the demands of motherhood while staying connected to your faith.

Who Should Write Scripture?

While scripture writing is beneficial for individuals of all backgrounds, it holds particular significance for busy Christian moms facing time constraints and demanding schedules. As a fellow mom, I understand firsthand how neglecting daily devotional time can adversely affect the entire day. When we prioritize connecting with God through scripture, it sets a positive tone for our interactions with family and others. Incorporating even a single verse into our daily routine can significantly impact our mindset and attitude.

What is Scripture Writing?

At its core, scripture writing involves the daily practice of writing a Bible verse as a means of building a devotional habit and strengthening our connection with God. During seasons of motherhood where time is scarce, scripture writing serves as a lifeline, keeping us anchored in the Word amidst life's storms. By taking a few moments each day to meditate on a verse, we nurture our spiritual well-being and deepen our understanding of scripture.

When to Write Scripture?

While the ideal time for scripture writing is often in the morning, the practice can be adapted to fit individual schedules. Whether it's during quiet moments before the day begins or during breaks throughout the day, the key is to carve out time for spiritual reflection. Starting the day with scripture sets a positive and purposeful tone, preparing us to face whatever challenges lie ahead.

Where to Write Scripture?

When it comes to recording scripture, the options are limitless. Whether it's in a dedicated journal, a simple notebook, or on index cards placed strategically around the house, the goal is to prioritize consistency over perfection. As a recovering perfectionist myself, I've learned the importance of embracing imperfection and focusing on cultivating a daily habit rather than fixating on the aesthetics.

Why Write Scripture?

The importance of scripture in deepening our connection with God cannot be overstated. Beyond serving as our guidebook for life, God's word has a profound impact on our mental well-being and outlook. By engaging in scripture writing, we develop a habit that not only enriches our spiritual lives but also fosters a positive mindset, even amidst life's challenges.

How to Write Scripture?

To simplify scripture writing, I've curated a collection of 30 verses titled "Follow the Way." Each day, participants write the corresponding verse and reflect on its meaning. Additionally, incorporating prayer and meditation into the practice enhances its effectiveness. For accountability and support, I've introduced a 30-day challenge with weekly check-ins and rewards for participation.

To embark on this journey of scripture writing, I invite you to download the scripture writing sheet and challenge sheet.

Join our Facebook group for additional guidance and encouragement, and begin writing your daily verse today. By participating in the challenge and sharing your progress, you'll not only deepen your faith but also foster a sense of community with fellow participants.

As we conclude this discussion on scripture writing, I want to express my gratitude for your engagement and encourage you to share this article with friends who could benefit from it.

Let's heed the wisdom of Proverbs 27:17 Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.

Together, let's embrace the transformative power of scripture writing and cultivate a deeper connection with God amid our busy lives.